Host Jean Border talks with Kristin Maxwell, a success mind coach specializing in marketing and social media.

They discuss the common blocks that prevent people from promoting their businesses, such as fear of rejection and self-doubt.

Kristin shares strategies to overcome these blocks, emphasizing the importance of self-compassion, clarity on one’s thoughts and beliefs, and focusing on desired outcomes.

They also discuss the impact of childhood beliefs on business success and the importance of aligning business strategies with personal values.

Tune in now and get Kristin Maxwell’s thoughts on:

  • Some of the biggest challenges she has faced growing a successful business
  • The subconscious resistance to visibility: Marketing and being visible may require breaking a rule that many people have learned as children – that seeking attention and promoting oneself is not likable and may lead to rejection or harm.
  • Self-doubt and imposter syndrome: Fear and self-doubt can arise when starting out in a new venture, and how it can create a disconnect between one’s skills and how they show up.
  • Belief systems and childhood conditioning: How belief systems are formed in childhood and how they can affect our adult lives.
  • The entrepreneurial journey: Discussion on different approaches to building a business and the importance of embracing individuality and personal strengths.
  • And much, much more!

Invitation From Guest

Do insecurity and self-doubt hold you back from confidently marketing your business?

Join the transformative Overcome Imposter Syndrome workshop, where you will:

  • Get clarity around hidden blocks that lead to resistance to marketing – and why you hold back, procrastinate, or even sabotage yourself when it comes to marketing yourself.
  • Finally begin to let go of self-doubt that leaves you reluctant to make offers, talk about the value of your services, and charge your worth.
  • Tap into motivation and drive to enthusiastically market your business and take the actions that will actually bring you clients!

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