Host Jean Border interviews Stefanie Pinsley, a personal branding and mindset coach.

Stefanie shares her journey from marketer to coach, emphasizing the importance of confidence, clarity, and personal branding in career transitions.

She discusses the role of subconscious reprogramming in overcoming limiting beliefs and shaping reality.

They also discuss the significance of brand identity, the impact of subconscious beliefs formed in childhood, and the need for awareness and intentional action to break free from unfulfilling careers.

Tune in now and get Stefanie Pinsley’s thoughts on:

  • Some of the biggest challenges she has faced growing a successful business.
  • The Power of Personal Branding in Career Change: The significance of personal branding in attracting opportunities and changing industries, and how it can help reposition oneself to become a thought leader in new spaces.
  • Subconscious Reprogramming for Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: The importance of subconscious reprogramming in identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs that shape one’s reality and hinder career growth.
  • Building your brand identity: The various aspects of personal branding, including visuals, voice, purpose, values, and personality.
  • Addressing subconscious beliefs: Our beliefs are formed in childhood and can limit us unless we become aware of them and take steps to address them.
  • Shadow work and subconscious reprogramming: The concept of shadow work, bringing unconscious beliefs to the conscious mind, and techniques to reprogram limiting beliefs.
  • Getting stuck in old habits: Why people get stuck in old habits and routines that don’t serve them.
  • Making decisions based on external factors: People often make career decisions based on external validation, and the importance of reconnecting with their inner voice.
  • The importance of tracking values in entrepreneurship: The metrics to track in entrepreneurship to prioritize mental and physical health.
  • The importance of energy work and its connection to science: Exploration of the significance of energy work, scientific studies done on the brain, and physical changes that occur during energy work.
  • Setting intentions for success: The importance of setting intentions to train the brain, attract aligned actions and outcomes, and increase success.
  • Taking imperfect action: The significance of not waiting for confidence and clarity before taking action, and how taking imperfect action leads to confidence and readiness.
  • And much, much more!

Invitation From Guest

Stefanie is offering our listeners a free e-book that helps individuals discover their best career path, understand their passions and strengths, and create a strategic action plan for a successful career pivot:  The Career Pivot Playbook

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